About Me

Hi everyone! I am so glad you’re here!

Let me take a minute to introduce myself and tell you what I am all about!

I come from a family full of good cooks and big appetites. Seriously. We love food – so much so that our conversations at the table are probably about what will be the next thing we eat. Vacations are planned just a much for meals as they are for fun activities. If you also feel this way (I know we aren’t alone) then you and I are going to get along just great!

I learned to cook from my mom, who has a natural instinct for cooking but routinely makes rolls and biscuits that my dad has deemed “hockey pucks.”  Needless to say, I have been mostly self-taught when it comes to baking.  Once I took over making the Thanksgiving rolls a few years ago I cemented my place as the family baker.  We have been missing one since the passing of my great aunts (whose recipes I started with) a couple of decades ago and I am more than happy to step into the roll (and make the rolls)!

I have a healthy fascination for all things vintage. Most of my furniture is antique that I inherited from family. My closet has several vintage dresses that I wish I had more opportunity to wear. And most of all, I love looking at old cookbooks and recipes. My favorites are handwritten in old spiral notebooks or on recipe cards but I also love old fundraiser cookbooks where family bakers like me sought to share some of the magic these recipes created.

My other descriptors include wife and a mom. We are currently lucky enough to live in Colorado Springs, CO where (if you’re also lucky enough to by local) many of my treats are available to order.

When I am not in the kitchen with a glass of wine and a batter-laden spatula or chasing an active one-year-old around I like to spend time with my family and friends, go hiking in the mountains, read a good book, or if I really find the time – quilt.

About the blog:

This project has been a long time coming. After toying with the idea of a blog for years (and seriously I should have started years ago before the internet became so much more complicated!) I finally worked up the guts to do it. I am a website and social media amateur especially after I disconnected for a few years.  My lovely sister actually had to give me an Instagram crash course after I asked her what a story was. HA! 

Baking has been something that has fascinated me for a long time and I am constantly looking to improve my own skills and find the best ways of doing things. I think that it’s so cool that you can achieve similar results with many different methods.

I love old recipes and think that though they may not be as quick and easy as what we are used to they are screaming for a comeback. It’s my goal to interpret, explain, and demonstrate these older methods. If they could use a bit of updating without changing them entirely then I’d like to do that too.

I follow several other food blogs who have become my inspiration and my kitchen friends – they may not know me but in my mind we are on a first name basis. That’s my goal for you all as well. I want you to feel like we are baking buddies and I will happily respond to questions and comments. Did we just become best friends?! I hope so!

I also have some ground rules for myself that I’d love you to check out. It tells you a little more about things you will and won’t see on this blog.