Love and Butter Baker’s Five Commandments (because 10 is way too many rules):

  1. Thou shall not sacrifice taste for style. All my baked goods are treats for the tongue, not just the eyes. Of course I want them to look good (let’s be honest, that’s probably why you’re here) but I wont sacrifice taste for decoration.
  2. Thou shall not use filters or presets. Although I may edit photos for lighting or clarity I won’t use any filters or presets to make my photos look drastically different than they are in reality. What you see is what you get.
  3. Thou shall continue to improve. I will always push myself to be a better baker – new recipes, new flavors, new skills. Part of what makes this so exciting for me is to move beyond making cookies and cakes and into more challenging bakes.
  4. Thou shall enjoy. I do this because I love it and it’s fun.  If it stops being that way, then I will retreat to my kitchen to lick brownie batter off of spatulas alone.
  5. Thou shall bribe husband with treats to do dishes. But seriously though. I hate dishes. Who’s with me?